Thursday, October 18, 2012

The low down

So while attending a Relief Society activity (woman’s church group) I learned about being able to have a blog made into a book. That was right down my ally. I want my family & friends, and children later on down the road, to know how I'm doing and be able to share things going on in my life without having to get a hand cramp/lose my journal/cant find my pen...again/don’t want everyone and their cousin on Facebook to know how insignificant my life is to them...I think you get my drift.. So this is the beginning of a beautiful thing!!
So right now I think, some how, my Mother got me sick while talking to me on the phone. Thanks Mom! (I kid) But seriously I feel a cold comin on.
I've been waking up and getting out of bed this week, except for today cause I turned my alarm off instead of snoozing, at 6:30 AM and doing a morning walk/work out with some AMAZING women that I'm honored to call my friends. I feel great. It’s totally kicking my butt and I am NOT used to it...I get back home by 8 and pass out until 12:30; I'm so pathetic and out of shape. But I AM getting up and going and I feel so proud of myself for doing it. Now the part that comes along with working out is eating right and for anyone who knows me its going to be a struggle.
Eric has been eating better (salads mainly and cut out the soda) and lost like 15 lbs in like 2 or 3 weeks! 15 POUNDS!!! WHO DOES THAT?! He only gained I think like 5lbs back on the honeymoon and lost it within the first week. I gained like 10 and have lost...3lbs? *sigh* So the being healthy period of life has come round and hopefully by the new year I'll be used to working out and having a balanced and healthy diet.

On to more news.

I received a calling (a service that you do for the church). I'm the Personal Progress Assistant. I get to work with the young women of our ward and help with building their testimony and relationship with Jesus Christ. I was so nervous about my calling. I didn’t know I could be so intimidated by young adults who are 10+ years younger than me! But as it turns out there isn’t ANYTHING to be intimidated about. I had some meetings with a couple girls, and went on a couple mutual activities and it was a blast! I feel so blessed to be working with the youth.

So thats what news I have for now.

Much love,
